Yard Work & Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Spring and Summer are the times of year that people start spending more time outside and putting effort into their yard and garden. At Tatsuno Chiropractic, Inc. in Bakersfield, CA, we want to warn everyone to be cautious that their weekend yard work and gardening does not result in an accidental injury or muscle pain later-on.

Avoiding Muscle Pain

You can avoid a lot of painful muscle injuries by simply taking your time and paying attention to what is around you. Becoming distracted can cause dangerous situations and lifelong repercussions. Inspect your yard and garden tools before use to make sure they are safe and maintained.

When lifting heavy objects, lift with your legs, not your back. Using a support or brace around your core can further help provide support for your back. When doing repetitive work like weeding, take plenty of breaks to move around and stand.

Get Warmed Up

Warm up your body before strenuous activity, like yard work. Stretching before mowing and gardening can help make you more flexible and less prone to an injury. Also, take ample breaks during yard work to rest your muscles and to hydrate with plenty of water.

Prepare and Protect Yourself

Make sure that you are prepared for the task at-hand and protected with the clothing that you wear.

  • Wear only closed-toe shoes during yard work. Never wear sandals or flip-flops that could be a fall risk when climbing ladders or mowing the lawn. 
  • Choose slip-resistant footwear when possible. Walking, not to mention mowing, can be slippery when the grass is wet with rain or dew. Avoid a painful injury by wearing shoes that offer tread and traction. 
  • Always wear long pants when working outside. This helps to protect you from flying debris, cuts, scrapes, and insect bites. 
  • Make it a habit to wear gloves when working outdoors. 

Also steer clear of loose, flowy garments that could get caught up in lawn equipment or that could cause you to trip and fall.

Feeling Sore from Working Outside? 

Use these tips to avoid discomfort, pain, and injury when spending time gardening and landscaping. If you overdid it this weekend working outside, seek chiropractic care in Bakersfield, CA, at Tatsuno Chiropractic, Inc. Call to schedule an appointment today.


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