Sciatica FAQs

When the sciatic nerve is adversely affected, patients can get sciatica. This is pain that appears somewhere along the sciatic nerve. It can be an extremely painful condition and can interfere with your daily life. If you have lower back pain, hip pain, or leg pain, the cause may be sciatica. It's a common condition that often begins as people get older. If you live in or around Bakersfield and suspect that you have sciatica, it is time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Matt at Tatsuno Chiropractic.


Where Is the Sciatic Nerve?

The sciatic nerve is your largest nerve and it runs through various areas of your body. It often causes lower back pain because that's where it begins. It can also cause hip pain and leg pain because it runs through those areas. If you have pain in one of these areas or experience numbness or tingling, you may have sciatica. Patients generally get sciatica on just one side of their bodies. There are a lot of things that can cause the sciatic nerve to be affected and cause pain.

If your spine has a bone spur or a herniated disc, it can cause sciatica. It can also be caused by a narrowing of the spine which is called spinal stenosis. You may also have a tumor that is affecting the sciatic nerve. If you have diabetes, this can cause a disturbance of the nerve. Anytime the sciatic nerve gets compressed, there can be sciatic nerve pain.

What Else Can Cause Sciatica?

Many different lifestyle factors can also cause this condition. Pregnancy often causes weight to compress the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica. Being obese can have the same effect. If your job has you twisting your back or lifting large objects, these actions can also result in sciatica. Sitting for most of the day every day can also cause this condition. 

What Are Some Sciatica Symptoms?

The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, and into the legs. If you have pain along this route, it may be sciatica. If you have leg pain that is only on one leg, this is a hallmark of the condition. You may also get numbness or tingling anywhere along the nerve. You could also get muscle weakness in one leg or foot.

Contact Our Chiropractor in Bakersfield, CA

If you are experiencing health issues and suspect it could be sciatica, it is time to get it checked as soon as possible. At Tatsuno Chiropractic, we can provide the natural and effective care that you need to eliminate your sciatica. Call our team today at (661) 322-6021 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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